Pineapple rings in puff pastry – delicious pastries and simple, more like a dessert. When baking dough is formed into rings golden brown and the middle remains juicy filling. It looks so baking is very beautiful and wonderful choice for a holiday tea.
To prepare pineapple puff pastry we need: ready flaky pastry – 500 g pineapple rings – 2 cans, powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l., Ground Cinnamon – 1 ch. l., egg – 1 pc.
Pineapple rings should be put on a sieve and let drain excess fluid. Gently press to remove excess juice.
Powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon.
Sprinkle pineapple rings on both sides with a mixture of cinnamon and powdered sugar.
Puff pastry thawed at room temperature, roll out the entire length of 5 mm thick and cut into strips of 7-10 mm. Cut can be smoothly or figuratively.
Form a ribbon of puff pastry wrap pineapple rings. On the one ring will leave about two long strips of dough. Cover the baking parchment and put the ring on a small distance from each other.
Beat the egg in a separate bowl and coat the top of the rings.
Heat oven to 200 degrees and bake for about 30 minutes the ring until golden brown.
But so look pineapple rings in puff pastry in a cut. Very juicy and delicious!