Great dessert! Surprise your guests such original dish –
Pie “Sunflower”, he recalls the warm summer days, fills the
house with
comfort, familiarity,
and improves appetite. Everyone will want to try
The recipe for the cake “Sunflower” –
– 300
grams of flour
– 2
teaspoons baking powder;
– 200
grams of sugar;
vanilla on the tip of a knife;
– 2
120ml. milk
– 150
grams of butter,
– 100
grams of poppy.
To prepare the
stuffing needed bank canned peaches halves (580ml).
– 2
tbsp honey
– 3
tablespoons cream (20%)
– 3
tbsp sugar (no slides)
– 80
grams of treated seeds.
Mix the
sifted flour, baking powder, sugar and vanilla.
Separately, mix the
eggs, milk and butter (melted). Pour the liquid mixture into the
dry and mix well.
Add the
poppy and again mix thoroughly.
form of grease, it is better to use Split, the better to extract
dessert, pour batter into the mold. Put the form in a preheated 180
° C oven and bake about 25 minutes.
Make a
fill: in a small saucepan heat the honey, cream and sugar. Once the
sugar has dissolved – add seeds. A lot of little boil, stirring
occasionally (about 3 minutes). If the mass get watery – you can
add a little more seeds.
put on a sieve (to drain fluid) and cut.Dessert out of the oven – a
circle lay slices
of peaches, and in the middle of a spoon to distribute hot fill.
Put in the oven for another 15-20
Readiness check
with a toothpick or match. Optionally, you can grease the top of
the brush to shine
with a mixture of honey and butter (2 tsp honey and 1 tsp of butter
– melted).
Our unusual pie “Sunflower” is ready!